图里的三个安全座椅还是比较挤的有一个已经歪过来放了,安全座椅可以这样硬挤着不动,人肯定不能这样挤住不动,安全座椅一 ..
(2016-12-26 00:22)
The safest place for your child in any vehicle is in the back seat. The center of the rear seat is preferable to outboard positions, as long as you can achieve a tight installation, because it is the furthest from a side impact. Research has shown that children under the age of 3 have a 43% lower risk of injury when restrained in the center of the rear seat compared with the rear outboard positions.
If the middle rear seat has a three-point (lap and diagonal) seat belt, this is the safest place to put a child restraint (unless the manufacturer's instructions say one of the other seats is better) because it is the furthest away from the sides of the car.
If the middle rear seat has a lap-only belt, check the child restraint instructions to see if it can be fitted with a lap-only belt. Most child car seats require a three-point seat belt. If this is the case, fit the seat on a rear seat that has a lap and diagonal seat belt.
[ 此帖被coolsear在2016-12-26 04:28重新编辑 ]